This article highlights an interview with Dan Rollman, co-founder of a movement called Sabbath Manifesto. Rollman is advocating for everyone to unplug one day a week to find solitude and to really (re)connect with friends, family and even yourself. According to the website, there are 10 principles for observing a day of rest including avoid technology, connect with loved ones, nurture your health, get outside, drink wine (my personal favorite) and others.
When is the last time you, or anyone you know, has taken one hour to be unplugged, let alone one day?
I think it is worth the challenge. So, beginning this week I am going to unplug for at least one day a week withdrawing from email, texts, tweets, Instagram, Facebook posts and any other mode of electronic communication or status update. I will leave my cell phone home alone. Or, if I happen to be home, put away and out of sight.
While unplugged I plan to get caught up on reading, conversation, friendships and a little fun; all with 100% participation and attention. I encourage you to try a day unplugged and visit your favorite spot in the Rockford region to connect with yourself or someone close. If you are looking for something to do while you are unplugged, check out - just not on your unplugged day.