Meet Jan
When did you move to the Rockford area?
Born in Rockford. Grew up in Rockton. After graduating from U of W Whitewater, started first job at Singer Mental Health Center.
What are your hobbies or interests?
Reading, traveling, singing and volunteering.
Favorite restaurant in Rockford?
Real toss-up but will go with Franchescos, Alchemy and Salamone North. These are all close to our home.
Best place to grab pizza in Rockford?
Another toss-up. Rockford is very fortunate to have many excellent pizza places. Let’s go with Lino’s and Salamone North.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone new to Rockford?
Get out and about. Visit the parks, Anderson Gardens, Nicholas Conservatory. And above all, don’t listen to the negative people.
Favorite fall activity or attraction in the area?
Edward’s Apple Orchard
Favorite winter activity or attraction in the area?
Going somewhere warm for two weeks in February. Oh, sorry. I was on Snow Sculpting committee for several years. So seeing those works of art in winter is great.
Favorite summer activity or attraction in the area?
Tuesday nights at Anderson Gardens. Visiting Rock Cut. Drinks and dinner on our patio.
What’s a fun or random fact about you?
I won second place on a talent show on WREX when I was in 6th grade.
What do you think makes Rockford such a great place to live?
The people, the parks, the many activities throughout the year.
Former Director of Public Relations at SwedishAmerican Health System for 35 years. Still volunteer at the hospital two times a week.
German and English
What stage of life are you in?
How do you prefer to meet or connect?
What’s your best advice for someone experiencing their first winter in Rockford?
They haven’t been too bad lately, so enjoy. There are still lots of activities that will be advertised. Good time to read all those books you’ve heard about.
Favorite local event or festival
Stroll On State. I still want to be in the parade someday.
Best place to go for a night out in Rockford?
Dinner out and event at the Coronado.
One hidden gem in the Rockford area that you’d recommend?
Historic Auto Attractions Museum in Roscoe. Incredible!
What’s your favorite thing about the Rockford community?
As I've said before, the people. I also like the fact that I run into people I know almost everywhere I go.
If you had a free day in Rockford, what would you do?
Depends on weather and time of year. There are lots of choices. Or do laundry and grocery shopping.
Where’s the best place to enjoy nature in or around Rockford?
Many Rockford Park District parks, Klehm, Severson Dells, Rock Cut, Anderson Japanese Gardens.
What’s your favorite local small business or shop?
Dapper Dog at Edgebrook Center. Husband and wife team that does a fabulous job with our Gus (Cavapoo).
Best way to get involved in the community?
Volunteer with an organization where you are interested in their mission and goals.
What’s one thing you wish you knew when you first moved to Rockford?
That I was going to meet my husband and live here forever.