Meet Laura
When did you move to the Rockford area?
I have called Rockford home since I was born in 1978. I moved to the Quad Cities for a few years after college but boomeranged back to my hometown. I was always wanting to return home and Andy Gannon from WIFR gave me that opportunity as he hired me to be weekend anchor. I love Rockford and have seen our community in a new light now that I am a mom. Nothing makes me happier than watching my son get to experience so many things that make our community a great place to live, work, and play.
What are your hobbies or interests?
I have a 5-year-old son, so the majority of my free time is spent building Legos, visiting playgrounds, taking him to lessons/activities or just spending quality time with my husband and son. If there is any “me time” left then I love getting together with friends or my book club, reading, entertaining, decorating, and exploring new places. I love an adventure!
What is your favorite restaurant in Rockford?
Cantina Taco and Woodfire (tie).
Where is the best place to grab pizza in Rockford?
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone new to Rockford?
Don’t stay home. Live life and experience this community. I’ve lived here most of my life and still find myself running out of time to get to all the things I want to go to or to visit a new store/restaurant that I have heard about throughout the year. We are also such a personable and very family-friendly community so ask questions and seek to understand.
What is your favorite fall activity or attraction in the area?
Getting to as many pumpkin patches, apple orchards, and Halloween stores as possible. Each have their own unique tastes, products, and frights!
What is your favorite winter activity or attraction in the area?
Sledding, playing in the snow with my son, and anything related to Christmas.
What is your favorite summer activity or attraction in the area?
I have lots! I spend a lot of time at playgrounds and parks, playing disc golf, going swimming, taking family bike rides, and enjoying backyard bonfires.
What’s a fun or random fact about you?
I love Halloween and we go all out at my house. In October 2024, we won a Halloween yard decorating contest as we had about 20 poseable skeletons doing different activities, my favorite was the skeleton jumping on the trampoline.
What do you think makes Rockford such a great place to live?
The people, affordability, and the friends I have here who are now my family!
Communications Manager for the Rockford Park District
What stage of life are you in?
Professional/school-age children – One son who is 5
How do you prefer to meet or connect?
Hybrid (a mix of both in-person and virtual).
What’s your best advice for someone experiencing their first winter in Rockford?
Embrace it. There is so much to do in the winter both indoors and outdoors. I enjoy all seasons for different reasons.
Favorite local event or festival
Dia de Los Muertos at Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens
Best place to go for a night out in Rockford?
My night out looks different with a little one, so we usually go to Sapora Playworld and Chick-fil-A. If I ever get a date night, I would head to downtown Rockford. I love having a drink at one place, appetizer at another, dinner somewhere else, and dessert at a different spot too. We are lucky to have such amazing options all throughout the community.
One hidden gem in the Rockford area that you’d recommend?
Lockwood Park. Between the animals, horses, playground, paths, and wagon rides, you can easily spend a full day at the park and it’s still not enough time. It’s also gorgeous no matter what time of year you go too.
What’s your favorite thing about the Rockford community?
Aside from this being the place where I met my husband, where I work! I am lucky to work for the Rockford Park District and believe so strongly in the work we do daily to help others enjoy life. I technically started working for the Park District when I was 13 which led to me majoring in Parks and Recreation along with Communication. We do more than just help to improve the quality of life for citizens and what’s even better is we do it together. Everyone helps everyone and there is a culture here unlike anywhere else I have ever worked. Team members here are my family and this organization has supported me in some of my darkest days and helped me to grow and evolve professionally and personally.
If you had a free day in Rockford, what would you do?
My answer depends on the time of year and if I have time to myself or am in mom mode. As a mom I look for new things to do with my son, experience a new playground, try new food, go for a walk or bike ride, enjoy an event, or meet up with other friends.
Where’s the best place to enjoy nature in or around Rockford?
Atwood Park. There is 334 acres to explore in addition to the Birds of Prey exhibit and Atwood Trails. The park was once the site of the former Camp Grant so this is a place where history and recreation come together.
What’s your favorite local small business or shop?
Urban Farmgirl, it’s my happy place and Pinnon’s.
Best way to get involved in the community?
Volunteer. If you have a passion for something, then get involved. There are so many great organizations where you can connect to others who share your same interests and give back. Nothing makes me feel better than to know I am making a difference.
What’s one thing you wish you knew when you first moved to Rockford?
I have grown up in Rockford, but I am still learning so much each day. We are a community that constantly evolves which is perfect for me as I am also evolving and during each era of life, my interests change. I love Rockford!