Okay, so I know it's July, but we would be remiss if we did not recognize those who were given the Great Day in Rockford Award for June. 

The Great Day in Rockford Awards program recognizes people in our community who go above and beyond in the hospitality industry. 

June's winners both found success at the Rockford City Market, and have both opened up businesses in Downtown Rockford.

Kate's Pie Shop 

Kate Sullivan owns Kate's Pie Shop with her partner Stu (that's his arm in the photo below). You can find her dancing in her booth on Fridays at the Market, as well as at her new downtown location inside the Mendelssohn Peforming Arts Center. Originally started as Kate's Piehole Records, Kate's Pie Shop sells both pie and records. In the picture below just behind Kate, you can see one of my favorite albums of all time, "Beginnings" by the Allman Bros. Band.

Kate Sullivan 

But I digress...

Kate had to change the name to Kate's Pie Shop because of a trademark infringement on the word Piehole, but that didn't stop Kate and Stu from selling both pie and records. They've grown quite a following and you'll quickly find out why once you meet Kate (and taste the pie!).


Bath & Body Fusion 

Jen Lancaster also found success as a Rockford City Market vendor, and has since opened up Bath & Body Fusion in Stewart Square in downtown Rockford. Jen makes the bath and body products herself, from scrubs to lotions to bath bombs. What's a bath bomb? It's like a fizzy scent explosion in the bath tub. My kids are obsessed with them, and actually look forward to taking a bath when we have some in stock at home!

I stopped into her store one day when I had a bad sunburn, and she gave me a small container of body butter. Not only did it prevent me from peeling, but she let me choose the scent, which she put into the body butter right then and there. 

Her customer service is outstanding, and her products are reasonably priced as well as high quality. 

Jen Lancaster 

Thanks for all you do Jen and Kate! Thanks for opening up your shops in downtown Rockford. And thanks for making it a Great Day in Rockford!