Rockford 815 Day
August 15

Rockford 815 Day

What is Rockford 815 Day?

Rockford Day is held annually on August 15 but can be celebrated for multiple days or even the whole month! Rockford Day aims to showcase the people, places and things that make Rockford great with fun and interactive experiences throughout the city. We encourage everyone to use the hashtag #RockfordDay2024 or #815Day2024 in any social media posts about Rockford 815 Day!

Rockford Day invites local businesses, agencies, non-profits, and other organizations from both the private and public sectors to join in the celebration by offering Rockford Day themed specials, discounts and events across the city and surrounding communities. 

The deadline to submit your events and specials is August 1st here is a link to submit your deals, events and specials.

Rockford 815 Day Apparel 

We encourage everyone to shop local, and take advantage of the sweet Rockford Day apparel specials going on! Rock whatever Rockford gear you have!

Ways to Participate

There are many additional ways for companies, organizations, and even individuals to participate in Rockford Day. From celebrating with your employees or neighbors, to engaging in social media challenges, we have great ideas for how every Rockford resident can get involved. 

Rockford 815 Day Specials

Participants will have their Rockford Day offerings featured on the Rockford Day Facebook and Twitter pages, and may be included in various promotional media (i.e., print, radio, TV).

Participants are encouraged to enlist offerings that have an 815 twist. (Several of us are 779ers and we’re joining in on the Rockford Day fun). There is no charge to participate. The deadline to submit your events and specials has now passed but you can still post your deals, specials, and events to your social media pages using the hashtags #RockfordDay2024 or #815Day2024.