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Forest City Beautiful

Forest City Beautiful


Please consider donating to Forest City Beautiful to assist in downtown Rockford beautification efforts.

Forest City Beautiful $50

Forest City Beautiful $100

Forest City Beautiful $250

Forest City Beautiful $500

Forest City Beautiful $1000

Forest City Beautiful $5000

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About Forest City Beautiful

Since its inception in 2014, the mission of Forest City Beautiful has been to improve downtown civic spaces by restoring public landscapes, building and planting seasonal planters, and installing public art sculptures and large-scale murals for local residents and visitors to enjoy. In addition, benches, bistro tables and chairs, and directional way-finding signage have been sprinkled throughout State Street, and additional trash receptacles have been added to help keep the downtown beautiful, clean and functional.

Forest City Beautiful Planted Bed

When you choose to support Forest City Beautiful, you’re not only making our city more vibrant and instilling pride: you’re also supporting the people and businesses in our community.  Sponsoring a plot of earth near your home or business means ensuring your local nurseries, greenhouses, and landscaping companies will continue to thrive.  Sponsoring murals and public art means cultivating our city’s creative artists and giving those individuals the opportunities they need to make Rockford their home. Sponsoring restoration projects means our local environmentalists will have the resources they need to continue to make our region’s green spaces more sustainable for future generations.

RACVB understands that making Rockford a stunning place to live, work, and visit means empowering the community to bootstrap itself into the one-of a kind beautiful place that it is and will continue to be.


The Forest City Beautiful project has helped to dramatically change the perceptions of our region by providing cleaner and more attractive spaces, which has led to a better quality of life for our residents and richer experiences for visitors. Our partners, including our great partnership with the City of Rockford, have certainly allowed us to do more, grow faster, and show the community the value of creating spaces people can enjoy. We are extremely grateful and excited to continue this mission to love on our city even more in the years ahead.

Forest City Beautiful is only possible with the continued donations from our generous sponsors, including individuals and organizations. We hope that you will consider supporting!

If you are interested in supporting the Forest City Beautiful initiative, download the sponsorship document HERE or contact Kristen Paul at kpaul@gorockford.com.

 Program Partners

City of Rockford logo

GoRockford 2024 Logo

Forest City Green Investor

Ortho Illinois logo

Adopt a Block Sponsors    

Adopt a Planter Sponsors


Friend of Forest City Beautiful