Event organizers are accepting application submissions until Nov. 5
The Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (RACVB) is looking for individuals, groups and businesses to participate in the 2021 Stroll on State Merry & Bright Holiday Parade. This is a kickoff to the event, which will be hosted in-person on Saturday, November 27 from 2 – 9 p.m. The parade will feature large-scale balloons, floats, festive music, and costumed characters.
Event organizers are also looking for performers for the three stages throughout the festival.
Individuals interested in participating in the Merry & Bright parade or performing on one of the stages should visit www.strollonstate.com, download the application and submit to strollonstate@gorockford.com by Friday, November 5.
The parade line-up begins at 12 p.m. in the municipal parking lot at 401 S. Main Street and step-off begins at 2 p.m. Additional details/times will be provided closer to the parade date.
The three stages are located at Eddie Green Park on the corner of 1st and State Street, Davis Park and on the corner of N. Main and Mulberry Street.
After 2020 kept many of us from celebrating with loved ones, RACVB is more committed than ever to bringing the community together to experience joy and wonderment during the holidays. The holiday parade is a fun and dazzling kickoff to the Stroll on State festivities in downtown Rockford.
Thank you to our 2021 Merry & Bright Parade Sponsor, The Power Connection: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA Local 364. Additional event information can be found at: www.strollonstate.com.
About RACVB: RACVB is responsible for promoting the Rockford region as an attractive travel destination and enhancing its public image as a dynamic place to live and work. Through the impact of travel, RACVB strengthens the economic position of the region and provides opportunities for people in our communities. www.gorockford.com
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Dan Obert, Marketing & Communications Manager: 815.489.1664 or dobert@gorockford.com