Create Cool, Vibrant Spaces & Neighborhoods
The two-county region boasts a variety of distinct "downtowns," including urban centers in Rockford, such as the North End, Midtown District, and River District, as well as smaller, vibrant main streets in communities like Belvidere, Rockton, Pecatonica, and Durand. Elevating these areas into "cool, vibrant spaces" will foster additional development and create reasons for visitors to explore multiple parts of the region. By establishing a Downtown Business Improvement District in Rockford, leaders can create a thriving urban environment with lively events, diverse businesses, and appealing streetscapes, reinforcing Downtown Rockford as a central hub for community life.
Efforts to revitalize downtown areas include providing more support for small businesses through seed funding and space options, alongside enhancing amenities such as outdoor music, public Wi-Fi, and sidewalk dining to make these spaces more inviting. Riverfront development is a key focus, as the river system connects communities and offers both social and economic benefits. Additional infrastructure, events, and beautification will help activate these river communities. Continued collaboration between GoRockford and the Rockford Area Arts Council will spotlight neighborhood success stories, promote local arts, and advocate for public art initiatives, all of which contribute to creating unique and memorable experiences that celebrate local heritage and identity. This strategy not only improves aesthetics but also strengthens small businesses and the distinct character of each community.
Our Region's Downtowns and Main Streets

a. Establish Downtown Business Improvement Districts and support leadership to expand downtown assets and vitality (e.g., event development, beautification, business support, rooftop activations and real estate development).
b. Collaborate with organizations such as Think Big! to pilot programs that support small businesses (e.g., training, seed funding and space options) and work to streamline development processes and permitting.
c. Enhance lighting programs, outdoor music/ambient sound, public Wi-Fi, live music in parks, more sidewalk/roadway dining options, road closures for markets, pop-up activations and demonstration sports events to support evening and nightlife.
d. Develop a downtown Rockford ambassador program to create a welcoming atmosphere and address brand image, safety and social challenges.
e. Encourage and support development of all Main Street communities to enhance regional dining, retail, event, and nightlife experiences, especially those with established momentum such as Belvidere and Rockton.
f. Undertake a comprehensive analysis of and create a new master plan for Downtown Rockford, including placemaking, retail, residential, entertainment, transportation and marketing.
Riverfront Development & Activation

a. Encourage all river towns in the region (Rockford, Rockton, Roscoe, South Beloit, Belvidere, Cherry Valley and Pecatonica) to develop plans for leveraging their waterfront potential and creating greater access for recreational use.
b. Incentivize businesses that incorporate public green spaces into riverfront development for leisure, farmers markets, pop-ups and other activations.
c. Activate riverfront entertainment, shopping and dining nodes with permanent and pop-up businesses, events and festivals.

a. Spotlight success stories of our people, history and heritage. Enhance those stories through art, storytelling and place making.
b. Encourage additional food, maker and artisan markets (indoor and outdoor/year-round).
c. Enhance trail links from downtown city centers – especially Rockford and Belvidere – to connect the two counties’ towns and neighborhoods and encourage the flow of pedestrian and cycling traffic.
d. Encourage the implementation of and support the City of Rockford as the lead implementation agency for Keith Creek Corridor redevelopment, including housing, mixed-use development, trail and greenway connectivity and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) efforts.
Arts & Culture

a. Coordinate and ideate with Rockford Area Arts Council and Boone County Arts Council, using both this Destination Master Plan and the Rockford Regional Cultural Plan to identify potential collaborations.
b. In conjunction with Rockford Area Arts Council, and consistent with Rockford Regional Cultural Plan recommendations, develop and implement a region wide public art plan with emphasis on gateways and neighborhoods.
c. Leverage Belvidere’s reputation as the City of Murals and its art installations to further promote visitation, while also seeking opportunities to elevate the combined strength of murals throughout Boone and Winnebago counties.
d. Advocate for public and private financial support for the arts and culture sector.
e. Develop themed public art exhibitions and installations (e.g., sculpture and 3D lighting exhibitions) to promote overall vibrancy, distinguish neighborhoods and rural communities, encourage year-round activities and establish a sense of place.
f. Celebrate local celebrities and notable people and groups with permanent and temporary art and exhibitions in public spaces.
g. Work collaboratively with the Illinois Film Office to leverage the region’s urban/rural proximity to identify ways to support and grow film and television production.