Book Online
Book Online
Author: Maria Mascote

Maria is currently interning with our Destination Development and Sales & Servicing department for the 2021 summer. 

Segurito! Segurito!

What to expect:

Segurito! Segurito! is an event taking place at Davis Park on Saturday, July 31st that is bringing in six musical acts and various vendors and attractions. 

Since interning at the RACVB, one of my favorite things about working in Rockford has been the food. As an individual who is gluten free and lives in a small town with very limited GF options for eating out, the food scene, particularly the GF food scene, in Rockford has been everything. One of my favorites has been Quixotic Bakery. Quixotic Bakery, best known for their cake-in-a-jar, is a hidden gem of Rockford and very accommodating to those who have dietary restrictions (gluten free and vegan individuals).