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The Intern’s Guide to Rockford, Illinois

Thursday, June 22, 2023 3:00 PM by Bronwyn Geddes

Rockford has so many incredible restaurants, attractions, and locally owned shops that it is hard to

As part of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually from September 15-October

As part of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually from September 15-October 15, the Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (RACVB) is continuing to honor the histories, cultures, contributions, and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements in the United States.

As part of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually from September 15 -

Segurito! Segurito!

What to expect:

Segurito! Segurito! is an event taking place at Davis Park on Saturday, July 31st that is bringing in six musical acts and various vendors and attractions. 

Calling all theatre lovers! Live musicals are happening again and our friends at The Studio are more excited than ever. After a long pause of live performances in the entertainment world, it’s very refreshing to see things slowly beginning to take shape again. Ahead of their second weekend of shows, I was able to chat with Courtney and Adam Walsh about The Studio and GRIMM.

The Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau is an organization that promotes the Rockford region and proudly works to welcome visitors to our community.

We believe diversity is one of this region’s greatest attributes.

Still, as an organization and as a community we have more work to do to fully embrace the celebration of diversity and efforts focused on equity and inclusion. While we cannot take ownership in the work of all organizations, we absolutely can and should do our part to help our region be welcoming to all.

As part of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually from September 15-October

As part of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually from September 15-October

As part of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually from September 15-October